Independence Day!

Freedom! A treasure I am very grateful for. Independence Day is a holiday I value highly. It means much to me. A day to celebrate Freedom. The release from bondage. Standing up against tyranny. I celebrate the freedoms that have been fought for over and over by our country, the greatest, freest country in the world, that everyone clamors to get into; yet, so many are fighting hard to destroy it and its freedoms, even from within. I honor those in militia and military that have served and given their lives, for a season or literally, to purchase our freedoms,… Continue reading

Created to Create

In the beginning, God created… Near the beginning, God gave humankind dominion over the earth–to steward it, and to in His image, bring creativity into it. Creativity is a gift God has given each one of us, in various ways. I believe each of us is to express that in our own lives, in our own ways, to His glory. Although this is not a “craft blog”, don’t be surprised to see creations, and maybe even instructions amongst these pages. In addition to the general enjoyment of creativity by anyone, creativity is also a great healer (as is music). Expressing… Continue reading

Ministry is…

To preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. For this reason He came. In this way I follow in His footsteps. Liberty ~ freely whole

freely whole

Jesus has come to set us free and make us whole. But, even when redeemed by Him, and having received that spiritual freedom and wholeness, life on earth can keep us tied up in many ways. Our own sins, the sins of others against us, long term oppression, can all keep us from being all we were created to be. But Jesus is in the un-tying business, and working all for good for those who love Him and are called by Him for His purposes. His means of Liberty are as unique as He has created each of us. Many… Continue reading