Mourn with Those Who Mourn

Rejoice with me as I celebrate another accomplishment that I never thought I’d have, nor wanted to. Yesterday I graduated and received certification for training in a ministry I never in an million years thought I’d have, nor desired. It just wasn’t on my radar as something I was working toward or wanting to do. I became certified as an abuse survivor advocate. Even when I was offered a place in the course, I argued with God. I know it is a much needed ministry, “but God, it’s not MY ministry”. I obviously ended up enrolling. It was a hard… Continue reading

Coming Soon

I’m “slaving away” today, working on designing May’s project. I am so excited to share this special project with you, and I’m making some tweaks and variations to it. I had something else planned, but I think this one will be perfect for May. It is one of my favorites!  Can’t wait to share it with you! You’ll see it soon! But while you’re eagerly counting the days till we’re out of April, (or hopefully continuing to work on your Creative Bible Journaling,) I wanted to let you know that I’ve added another platform for sharing your projects, without all… Continue reading

Intro to 12 Months of Creativity

Welcome to our 12 Months of Wholeness through Creativity! I’m so glad you’ve joined us. I believe you’re going to enjoy our journey this year, so stick with me! Our journey will take us through creating 12 Freedom & Simplicity™ projects, each month learning a different type of crafting and techniques. They require no artistic skills or finesse. There are no Pinterest fails here! There is also no Pin it, Forget it! These projects are for active creativity. My hope is that along the way you’ll find new things you enjoy, and that you’ll continue to do more of those…. Continue reading

It’s 2020 time!

Good morning and Welcome to 2020! The second decade of a new century. Seems surreal… But also nostalgic, with the connection to the “roaring 20s” of the 1900s. Today is the day when, universally, people will be making resolutions, setting goals, choosing focus words, …many of those related to weight loss and getting healthy …most of those to be forgotten in the next few weeks…or days. Yet it is an acknowledgment of the newness noted on the calendar. Some of you are thinking of all this and saying, “I just can’t. I can’t add one more “to do” to my… Continue reading

12 Months of Creativity

We’re saying good-bye to the old and ringing in the new tonight! Farewell 2019 and the 20-teens! Hello 2020! The Roaring’ 20s are back! To ring in this new decade, we’re going to take a journey of 12 Months of Wholeness through Creativity! What a great way to begin a new decade! 12 Months of Wholeness through Creativity will be monthly Freedom & Simplicity™ projects–presented here!– to help you open up your creativity, reduce stress, and even heal from brain or trauma injury.  Crafting may (or may not) be cheaper than therapy, but it is excellent therapy–whether that is just… Continue reading

Preview Project – Gnome

This project is no where close to what I thought my first project on this blog would be. It seems like a strange fit for here, at least to me, as a first project here, rather than it being on my old one. 2020 was to be the kick-off of actual projects here. I’m not even particularly into Gnomes! But I saw several cute ones, and decided I wanted to design and make some. Just for fun. For my kids’ families for Christmas. So consider this project as a Pre-project, to whet your appetite. Next month I will be starting… Continue reading

Merry Christmas!

or do you feel more, Ba Humbug. The holidays can be especially hard for survivors regardless of our situations– even for those of us that are on the other side, and creating new, wonderful lives we love.  Perhaps your difficulties are in regards to children, hurting ones unable to escape and gain liberty. Perhaps it is loneliness, the loss of family and friends, when you chose life and liberty. Perhaps it is busyness, just trying to stay ahead of the demands of life–or the bill collectors. Whatever your situation, when you look at the babe in the manger, choose to… Continue reading

Continue in Awareness

As we wind up this month’s focus on Domestic Abuse Awareness, there is obviously far, far more to be said. I’ve kept things pretty succinct this past month, out of necessity. The point was to bring awareness. To ignore this issue, to not offer support, to not bother to learn how to support victims/survivors, when this issue is so rampant only compounds the problem. Nearly 1/3 of all women have suffered domestic abuse–and sadly, for Christian women the statistics aren’t really any better. Sticking your head in the sand won’t make this problem go away. The ramifications of Domestic Abuse… Continue reading