In a Mirror Darkly

Do you remember the climbing rope in gym class? You hold on so tight you’re hands are blistered. Hand over hand. After an hour you’re exhausted. You’re pouring out sweat. You’re butt is still nearly dragging the floor. That’s how 2022 feels to me.

It’s been a year of hard, exhausting work with no gains. In several areas, I’ve worked hard, thought some negative issues were resolved/over, only for them to rear their ugly or evil heads once again. And the traipse continues on.

It’s not that nothing good happened in 2022. Nor that it was full of life shattering issues, over and over. It just was. It’s more like it was just trudging through mud, with no lasting progress made. I was so hoping for and working toward a year of much progress. But alas…

2022 was also a 7th year. The year of completion. I was so looking forward to leaving some old things behind, and ready for an 8th year of New Beginnings. Not that every day isn’t a new beginning. His mercies are new every morning. Not that so many old things haven’t passed away, they have. And all things are made new. But I was really working toward a final shedding, and some totally new paths of promise, that have yet to pan out. I guess technically, I have a few months before 8th year is here. Hope rings on eternal.

I like to spend time reflecting, throughout the whole Holiday season, beginning with our specific holiday of Gratitude, ThanksGiving, moving on through our season of reflecting on the coming of Emmanuel, God with us, the only Hope of Salvation, and on through the New Year, ringing out the old and in the new. This holiday season has afforded very little time for reflection. Today is it.

So, I spend today Reflecting. Pretty much ignoring all else. Trying to make some sense of this year. To bring some closure to it. Look deeper into what God has been working on in the hidden realm, that didn’t come to fruition in the visible realm.

I like to spend the last day of the year doing things that I hope to have more of in the New Year. I will spend time today creating. I will spend time today making Margin. I will spend time today not spinning my wheels. Not doing things that don’t have to be worked on today. Monday and work and pressing issues will come soon enough.

So today as I Reflect, what can I change in 2023 to make it better, to keep pressing forward, to make my living more Life giving? I may not have answers today. But I know it isn’t striving to achieve greater “goals”, to do and be more, to push harder.

It has more to do with Acceptance. It has to do with Seasons. It has to do with Trust. And Letting Go. It has to do with Life itself. The ebbs, the flows. The ups, the downs. The highs, the lows. The Path. Following the only Light that directs my steps. My Jesus.

I found this quote today, and altered it to reflect me and my desires for the new year and my life. Maybe it reflects where you are at today also.

Happy New Year to all, and to all a blessed, even though it’s not easy, life.

Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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