Peeling the Onion

Healing comes in such layers. Sometimes we think things are good, and then another layer of the onion is peeled back, by new triggering events.

And again, and again, we feel defeated. Not like conquerors in Christ. Not even like we’ll ever get through the battle. Defeated, alone, and perhaps ready to give up the fight. But somehow (by God’s strength, and those that “bear one another’s burdens” and pray for us) we plow through. We wrestle. We reflect. We process. And eventually we see a small ray of hope. Another layer of healing ❤️‍🩹.

We don’t expect that wrestling and reflecting and processing to completely “heal” or bring us to the other side of current or even past happenings, at the moment. We know that layer of healing “skin” is quite thin at first. It takes time for even a healing wound to heal, to rebuild strength. But at least it isn’t festering any more. And with more healing balm, can heal rather than become reinfected.

But at least we see a glimmer of hope in the future again. Depression has subsided (for now anyhow.) We know this will pass. It will be in the past. Hopefully, we’re able to work through it as we go through it, so it doesn’t become another trigger for the future.

For today we can breathe.

But most of all, always, we KNOW the Healer! We know He is always with us, even when we can’t tell that’s He’s there. Even when we don’t act as if we know He is there. Even when we know He is saying, “Child, do not fear. I’m with you. I love you, care for you, and have everything in control.” We still fear. And He still loves us anyhow. ❤️

He is worthy! of my praise! Not only on the better days, but everyday!

Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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