Neurodivergence and Abuse

This isn’t my typical post, as I usually share on recognizing abuse/gaining clarity and gaining healing, recovery and rebuilding. But I feel this topic fits into gaining Clarity. Recently I’ve heard from a lot of survivors (not therapists or professionals or advocates), blaming abuse on neurodivergence/autism or about narcissists being neurodivergent. Nope! Abuse is abuse. And narcs are abusive. Neither neurodivergence nor autism (a type of ND) cause abuse, and they are no excuse for it. If someone is ND AND abusive, the abuse is on them for their entitlement, coercion, manipulation, etc. not their ND. When you consider the… Continue reading

Survivor Memories

Much of my own Survivor to Thriver story has only been shared at conferences and in private groups thus far. But God continues to open doors to help bring healing to others, through my story and my training in helping abuse and betrayal survivors, and that is what this website was created to do. So… “that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4 It’s interesting to see what comes up in “memories” from the past. (x doesn’t come up directly, as… Continue reading