Today ends “Domestic Violence Awareness Month”. But not the need for vigilant Awareness.
In my daily posts this month, I have not even scratched the surface of information and support needed. But I have tried to hit on many various areas that need more awareness.

2 key things to take away are:
❗️ 1 in 3 Women are victims of domestic abuse. You know her. She’s in your church, at your work, in your kid’s playgroup, ….
❗️Please become an informed compassionate support for her.

Please scroll back and see all the posts from this month, and so much more DV info and help.
And please—Subscribe to receive future posts here. I have so many more that didn’t make it up this month. And so much more to come. In addition to recovery coaching for survivors. 💖
#dvrecoverycoach #freelywhole #dvawareness #DVAM
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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