Beauty from Ashes Video Tutorial

A Mixed Media composition tutorial in my She Created a Life She Loves Journal. A reminder that creativity is not an “if-there’s-time” extra. But it is an important part of living a healthy life, and a powerful healer through life’s hard times. That we need creative beauty in life. Click here for written post with full supply list, pictures, and more info. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join… Continue reading

Beauty from Ashes Mixed Media Journal Page

Do you ever think you don’t have time to create? That it isn’t worth taking time for? That creativity is just an “extra”, for if everything else actually ever gets completely done, and you have nothing else to do? Only a reward you only get to enjoy, if you’ve worked real hard and finished every possible other thing? I’m loving 😍 this page composition, that I finished today. A reminder of my long espoused belief and motto that we were created to create, like our Creator. That creativity is not an “if-there’s-time extra”. But it is an important part of… Continue reading

Bible Journaling-Galatians 5

It is for Freedom we have been set Free! ~Galatians 5:1 This week was the celebration of our nation’s freedoms. So many freedoms gained in 1776 and progressing from then for more and more. Now, our nation has taken a turn, and we are losing so many hard fought for freedoms. When a nation ceases to be good, it ceases to be great. (Alexis de Tocqueville) If we ever forget we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under. (Ronald Reagan) But we, that belong to Jesus the Messiah, have a Freedom that can never… Continue reading

Mixed Media Prayer Cards

Who is God? We can’t imagine all that our Almighty, Sovereign God encompasses. But we are well served, comforted and encouraged by praying to Him using some of the names from His characteristics that others, in the Bible, called out to Him by. I did this project as part of the Encounters in Colour, online Christian Art Journaling Retreat, by Jenna Burnes with other additional art teachers. This lesson, to make Messy Play Prayer Cards by altering playing cards, was taught by Emily Henderson. As always, I went rogue in the art, and also had my own individual meditations. I… Continue reading

John 14:16-17—Mixed Media

After my crazy busy last 2 weeks, I’m trying to take a bit of time for creating. This week I’m taking part in Encounters in Colour by Jenna Burne, a free online Christian Art Journaling Retreat. I’m really trying to follow directions, to incorporate some different techniques, styles and outcomes than my usual. But of course, retaining my own uniqueness. 😁 Mixed Media is a great style for creative Scripture Journaling—for anyone! Truly anyone can do it, no art training or experience needed. It’s all about the process, and meditating on God’s Word, as you create layers with simple techniques…. Continue reading

Rest—Mixed Media Page

Rest is a mixed media page that was created in my “She Created a Life She Loves” journal, a book I designed for creatively representing things in my life that I love. Things that I or God has purposely added to my new life to bring beauty and joy. If you haven’t seen this journal, there is a process post for making it, here. This page represents the Rest I find in Him, and a part of my life I created that I love—my comfy, cozy place where I find rest. Where He makes me to lie down, and restores… Continue reading

Psalm 7:11 & Experimenting

What do you do when you’ve got a painted background, created long ago, that’s a hot mess? And a verse you also highlighted long ago that you still want to journal? You spend time in God’s Word. You enter into God’s peace and presence. You experiment. And you enjoy the process without worrying about the finished product. Once upon a time, when I was splattering paint here and there, I threw this hot pink paint, sloppily, in the margin (and all over) here. Now was the time to go back and see if I could salvage it. Not to see… Continue reading