Creative activities help reset the nervous system, and heal the brain in the areas that can be more readily accessed after abuse. Many times, the logical, executive thinking, complex decision-making brain cannot be our first line of healing, after the confusion and chaos and crazy-making of abuse. Creativity calms down our nervous system, begins to rewire the brain, and sets us on a path to healing.
Many people will say, “I’m not creative”. These activities do not require you to be an artist or think you’re “creative”. They tap into the creative side of your brain, that we were all born with, and help to heal and strengthen us.
We were created by our Creator, in His image, to also be creative. So it is not surprising that so much healing comes through creativity.
#dvawareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach

Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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