Bible Journaling Psalm 59

Simple. Colorful. Focused.

Bible journaling doesn’t have to be complicated, beautiful art work, thoughtfully laid out. It is all about contemplation and expression. Meditating on the passage and expressing your response to God’s infallible Word.

This end-of-the-year entry was done late at night, not many supplies at hand, and no desire to get up, gather, plan, and produce. I just grabbed what was at hand, and began laying down color. Highlighting verses that stood out to me. Journaling the thoughts that stood out to me from that, yep, just in my sloppy, quick printing. No fancy lettering. No pretty picture.

Just the Word of God standing, and me emphasizing visually. That’s what it is all about, friends.

I later thought, for a moment, about going back and adding letter stickers over the words. About adding images framed by the colors. About “finishing” and prettying up the page.

No. It stands. And I conclude 2020 with my “word of the year”, Enough! It is enough. It doesn’t need more. It is good enough. It is finished enough. It is. And God accepts that. So should I. — And so should you for your creations.

Living Coram Deo,
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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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