Goodbye 2020

I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to see 2020 end. And am overly optimistic to think the changing of the calendar will end all the issues 2020 brought. 🙂

Year end writings tend to be reflective, and this will be just that. Those that follow my ministry know that I’m a mix of musings along with practical tips and info. I find both are necessary in ministry and mentoring. And, at heart, I’m a storyteller.

Be Jesus’ hands & feet

If you’ve followed my ministry of Me & My House over the decades, (since even before there was internet,) you know that much change has come in the last 5 years. The Discipleship focus of my ministry remains at the forefront. But God has adjusted the areas of focus a bit in the last few years, during which I’ve been more silent, in a preparation season for this shift in ministry. Some things remain the same, some are new.

Although not much has been added online to many of my areas of ministry in recent years, you can still find much of my ministry of Biblically Principled Home Education, and all the books and seminars I’ve written for that. I continue to home educate the last of my children. You can still find my Vibrant Health through Nutrition information, courses, and recipes online. You can find far more of my creative projects and home arts, and much more home care and organization info than are here on this Freely Whole website.

Family and personal discipleship and growth have always, and will always be the heart of my focus in ministry. But escape from a long, adulterous and destructive marriage required time of rest and restoration over these past few years. A time when my “pen” has laid mostly silent.

It’s time to say goodbye to that!

Although my pen may have been silent, God always continues to work in the byways and shadows. Over the last few years, just as God brought many to minister to me, He also, as an outgrowth of my own healing and restoration, brought many for me to minister to, and specific training to enable me to do that. If you’re a regular reader of this site, you’ve already learned of one of those training courses, Give Her Wings Academy, which certified me as an Abuse Victim Advocate. I primarily help Christian women who are or have been in abusive/destructive marriages, to be Freely Whole. Isn’t our Father God in His Sovereign Omniscience amazing? He gave me the name to rebrand this ministry just before I got out several years ago.

But Freely Whole is not just for women who have been victims of abuse. Being whole and free is the ministry of Jesus for all! Although some of what I present on this site will be for those women, most of that ministry is done in more private settings. What is along those lines and presented here is partially presented for encouragement for them, but is also and perhaps mainly for those of you that are not in that situation. To help you see the need for you to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those that are in that situation. There are far more of these oppressed and brokenhearted, that Jesus came to set free, than you may imagine. They are not just the homeless sitting in the street, they are the Christian women sitting in the church pew right next to you! (Whom you probably don’t even know are in that situation, because too many churches have trained her to keep the abuse hidden, or told her only physical beatings are “real” abuse.)

As I said, being whole and free is the ministry of Jesus for all! We all need to grow in Him in that. And I hope you will take every challenge given, every healing and growth project and tip, and apply it in your own life for your own growth in Christ.

As always my focus is ministry remains that we all grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

Going forward! In 2021, I hope you will consider supporting the ministry of Freely Whole, which needs your support now more than ever. As I reach out to others in need, will you partner with me and consider reaching out and helping in our need, to enable me to continue in this ministry? I’ll share more on how you can do that in my next article.

Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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