Hello 2021

Happy New Year! Here we are at the start of a hopefully better year than the one just past. Although many had some wonderful things happen in 2020, for many it brought much heartache and destruction. They just wanted it to end. But the turning of a calendar page doesn’t automatically turn away troubles. Regardless, let’s enter 2021 with high hopes!

If you read my last article, you got a glimpse of where I’ve been. Here, let’s look at where Freely Whole is going. Why? Because perhaps it will help you in some way to get clearer direction on the path you desire on your life’s journey.

After rest and restoration comes restructure and re-direction. That’s where I’m at. I’m “learning” I can’t be what God has not made me to be–no matter how much anyone else may want that. (Well, not really learning, but perhaps re-learning, or at least more actively applying, once again.) Whether that be in business, ministry, or my personal life,–or this site.

That in no way is an excuse for anyone to be not growing or staying stuck in bad patterns. I’m talking about being the YOU God created you to be! The gifts, talents, personality He gave you. Even your story. No story is to be wasted. Your life story is not only for your own growth, but also for your ministry to others. And so is mine. Why do I share my musings and ramblings? Because I desire to “be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which [I myself am] comforted by God.” (1 Cor. 1:4)

A friend shared the image/quote below, and it really spoke my heart. I bring up my personal experiences in response to your story, or even at all!, never to make the subject about me, or take away from your story, but as a point of empathy and understanding, to connect with you, in our stories. To tell of my story is to tell of Him! I hope in response to my story, you will also share yours.

Anyhow, back to 2021. Although none of us knows where the path of life will take us, (except our final destination, for which we can find assurance,) we can and should head on a path that is heading the direction we desire to go. We plan our steps, we walk them out, but God directs our path, as we take each step. He is the Director of the story. Even with all the twists and turns we take off the path, He ensures we arrive at our final destination. And He works all things together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

This year’s focus for Freely Whole will be Creativity & Worship. This will, no doubt, play out in many different ways. But it’s the path we will be on. At least, the path I will be on and share here. I hope it’s a journey you desire to take with me.

In my next article, I’ll share with you a way to “write the vision”, a creative way to set forth your goals and desires, and to keep your priorities in the direction you desire to travel, ever before you.

In the meantime, the free course I offered last year, 12 Month’s of Wholeness through Creativity, is still available for you to make some great, simple projects from. But only for a few more days! Be sure to check it out quick, and enjoy those free tutorials before they are retired. They won’t vanish forever though. They will return as a part of the Freely Whole Membership program for supporters. Please consider partnering with me in the ministry of Freely Whole.

Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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