Never be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the only thing that can get you from this life to the next.

You do not have the power in yourself to do that. Not in your good works. Not in your church service. Not even in your own love. You can do nothing to save you.
Only Y’shua the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, can do that. And only through your faith and repentance. Knowing you and your thoughts and ideas are not supreme. They don’t rule; they’re not God. But He is. He is the only One worthy to follow, obey, and worship. The One you can trust to put your whole life in His hands. Because He has it anyhow. He rules every atom in the universe. It is only when He changes your heart, and grants you this faith trust, and only when you humble yourself and turn from your ways to His, that you will be saved and step into eternal life and glory.
That is the Power! That is very Good News! You can’t earn your salvation. It’s already been paid for. Believe in Him, and turn fully to Him!
Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty
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