When life’s been full of darkness, the Valley of the Shadow of Death feels like an endless tunnel. No Light shines forth. Yet I know He is there. He walks with me. He holds me close. He is the Hope that keeps me going, the Hope that Light is there. He will never leave or forsake His beloved children–Me!
He protects me. He comforts me. He leads me forth in the dark, step by terrifying step, through the evil. I trust. I Hope. But fear lurks near.
A flicker is seen in the far distance. Ever so slight. Ever so far away. Ever so brief. But it is a flicker–it is Light. A visible sign of Hope.
Then it’s gone.
Then it returns. A little brighter. A little longer. Perhaps appearing a little nearer.
Then fades again.
Then… it returns.
And grows.
And I realize the fear of evil and death in this dark tunnel are unfounded, (as I knew deep inside, all along). I remember this is not a train rushing at me to obliterate me in a dark tunnel that I’m stuck in all alone.
But this is my God, carrying me through the dark valley, through the evil, nearer and nearer to the end of confinement to wide open lands of green pastures,
and warmth,
and Light!
He Restore my Soul!
He has set me Free!
He has made me Whole!
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Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty