SHERO: Your WILD Guide to Warrior After Abuse Course.
Join my friend, Sarah McDougal, for her SHERO course to grow from wilderness to warrior.

I believe women who have survived trauma and abuse can heal.
I believe you can grow strong enough to move past the pain, to find purpose, meaning, beauty, and hope – as you pursue truth and justice.
Whether you are a survivor, an advocate, or a professional, you have likely accumulated some scars along the way.
I believe in post-traumatic growth.
~ Sarah McDougal
I believe you can not only leave victimhood behind – but even move beyond survivorhood – and use your voice to fight for others.
I believe YOU can become a warrior!
SHERO will teach you how to:
- Navigate the jungle of your mind and pierce the fog of trauma.
- Understand the one core mindset every abuser shares.
- Avoid getting stuck in one stage on your path to healing.
- Learn what to look for in a safe and supportive faith community.
- Discern the tools used by every abuser, regardless of context.
- Recognize both tangible and intangible forms of abuse.
- The toll trauma takes on your physical and mental wellness.
- Shatter toxic thought loops and recapture your authentic identity.
- Handle bigger triggers as you heal.
- Understand the shifts in mindset during each of the four seasons of healing.
Don’t put the important priority of your healing off! Click to Learn More and Enroll in this Course now. Enrollment closes today, and will not reopen for a few months.
Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty