He Restores My Soul

2021 left my creative studio quite neglected–and I missed it! I’ve always called my studio my “happy place”, even when it was just cardboard storage boxes pulled out to the dining table. My creative space has been my place of decompressing from the stresses of life for most of my life. My mom taught me many of the creative arts I’ve done–and that is pretty much all the home arts there are. I enjoyed creating with her as a child. I enjoyed creating with her watching, as I’d pack up a “portable studio” to take to her house when I sat with her in her last year, just a few years ago. It was still a “happy place” for us together.

But there wasn’t time for much “happy place” this past year. Not that good things didn’t happen. Many did. But my soul was still left dry and withered, without my necessary soul care. Both good, and just plain necessary, overran my time constraints. Completing my coursework in my degree area (music) was a big goal accomplished. I’m so happy to have done that, as it’s allowed me to start my music studio. Other things that took up my year were neither planned nor enjoyed, but they were necessary. But what they did was crowd out my margin, and needed soul care. And that’s not a good thing. It will always catch up with you. And catch up it did, both physically and mentally.

I went back to old ways of just pushing through, knowing I can endure and see things to the end if I just give it my all. My all I gave. So much so that I still have a gift certificate for a massage, that I got for my birthday from someone who knew how much needed it was back then, over 1/2 the year ago, and it still is unused. The problem is, it isn’t done taking your all when the “end” comes. The end isn’t the end. By that time, you have nothing left, and you need more time to rebuild yourself. That’s just the way it is in life, at times. There are times that nothing other can be done, you have to just push through to survive. But it still is not a healthy way to live your life.


The week between Christmas and the New Year is always a time of reflection for me. What do I want more of in my life as I move forward? What do I want less of? What will bring added joy and peace? What has brought chaos and stress? I’m not one for “New Year’s Resolutions” but I am all for reflecting on how I can increase the former and decrease the latter going forward.

For me, in 2022, that will be restoring that margin for soul care again. For carving out my needed time in my creative studio. Time for Bible Journaling. Time for creative play. Time for producing not what I “have to”, but time to express my soul, my worship, in creativity.

It will also bring more sharing. My ministry in life is to “comfort others with the same comfort I’ve received,” coming alongside others. If my experiences in life can make me of some help to others in their journey, they are worth it. I love my work as an abuse survivor advocate. This year, I look forward to adding Life & Abuse/Divorce Recovery Coach to that work. And I look forward to sharing so many healing/joy and peace helps with you all, that have been so helpful to me (when I’ve not temporarily neglected them). I endeavor to come alongside you, as you find your “happy place”. I desire you to come alongside me, as I navigate life.

Join me on the Journey in 2022, on His paths of righteousness. As we travel through life side-by-side, we will be better together.

Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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