New Year Striving. Stop!

Shocker for this week! I don’t choose a WOTY, Word of the Year. I would have already had 3 or 4 this year. If you haven’t guessed, or been following me long enough to know, I’m a free spirit at heart, and I’ve just been coming into the joy and True Freedom of that fully in the past several years. I’m still a work in progress—in following my God-led heart, not thinking I need to fit into the systems of people.

A huge time that a “system” rears its head is as the New Year approaches. “What goals are you setting? For every area of your life? What steps are you taking to achieve them? Gotta get this all Planned! Organized! Executed! Achieved! More! More! More!”

But, when I start feeling I have to strive more, do more, up the standard, blablabla, I remember I’m called to Rest. To enter Christ’s Peace, by the still peaceful waters. We’ve just come out of the Season of Peace, celebrating Emmanuel, the Prince of Peace coming to earth, to dwell among us—in us. To bring us Peace. And a week later we’re saying, “Enough of that. Time to start striving more again.”

{Speaking of striving—Have you read Rebecca Davis’ latest Untwisting Scripture book? It’s on what God’s Word has to say on Striving. Now reading that book would be a great New Year’s resolution.}

Now I’m not saying we shouldn’t set goals and do the work to achieve them. And I’m not saying we shouldn’t focus on what we want more of in our life. After all, I am a Life Restoration Coach. We certainly do need to walk out our Callings and Hopes and Dreams. We have to live a life of Purpose. We can’t stay stuck where we are. Life is a Journey! We aren’t to live in the mire, in hopelessness and apathy. Having a plan, and working that plan are important, but even that must be held loosely.

A person’s heart plans his way, but the LORD determines his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9

I’m just saying this whole New Year’s process can lead to a lot of burn out, overfunctioning, and stressing out. It can steal your Joy. For many, it is not motivation, but rather discouragement, disappointment, another instance of “I’m not enough.” See my last post.

If all this WotY and resolutions talk happening now is just stressing you out, overwhelming you, putting you into bondage—just Stop! 🛑

Go back to my last post and watch the video, download the freebie, open your Bible and read again how you are Enough! You are Worthy! You are Loved! — Even without you striving for more. Perfectionism is an evil taskmaster.

If making resolutions, setting goals, choosing a WOTY brings you joy, by all means do it! But if it puts you under bondage, don’t! There is Freedom for you. He has called you into His Rest, and Peace.

And on that note. Here are my “New Year’s Resolutions.”

Making Beauty from Ashes!

Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty—Life Restoration & Therapeutic Creativity Coach

Providing Soul-healing, beauty from ashes, content through Creativity & Coaching—to empower you to live a life that is Freely Whole—spirit, soul, and body—in Jesus!

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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