Love with All Your Heart

I am LOVING working in this Greatest of These is Love Journal!

God not only says, but commands us to “Love with all your heart.” And He tells us exactly what/Who we are to love—Him. Our highest calling in our lives is to love Him because He first loved us. And to love others as we love ourselves. A simple command, but not always easy to do. A simple command worthy to be put simply on this spread.

This spread has a simple focal point and simple message, on a multi-layered, colorful background with rich depth.

The layers began with ink blending. I love this combo of Speckled Egg, Saltwater Taffy, and Dusty Concord Distress Oxide Inks.

I thought it needed some Picked Raspberry, so stenciled on some Roses to brighten it up further.

And then a pop more of Dusty Concord with a Grunged stamp. Did I mention I love this soft but bright combo of colors?! 😍

Tracing a circle die with a Micron Pen began defining a place for my focal point. And retracing and smudging it and the page edges with a Picked Raspberry Distress Watercolor Pencil helped pull it all together.

Various stamp sets came together to make up my sentiment: Tiny Text from Tim Holtz in Black Soot Archival Ink, Illustrated Faith “Love”, and heart from Glam Girl in Picked Raspberry Distress Oxide Ink. I did go over the Picked Raspberry Ink with Distress Paint to intensify them, and make them permanent.

Die cut coffee mugs from Fresh Brewed by Tim Holtz make for a simple but impactful focal point. Cut from white textured cardstock. Hearts painted with Picked Raspberry Distress Paint, and “coffee” colored with Ground Expresso Distress Oxide Ink.

Be sure to Subscribe to see the rest of the spreads in this Faith Art Mixed Media Journal!


Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty—Life Restoration & Therapeutic Creativity Coach

Providing Soul-healing, beauty from ashes, content through Creativity & Coaching—to empower you to live a life that is Freely Whole—spirit, soul, and body—in Jesus!

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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