I found this post lurking in my Drafts—from this past August (8/31). My spicy brain is conflicted over whether to back date this to then, or just post it now. So it’s now for now, but I may need to put it back in proper order later. 😊 But either way, my brain says these past posts need to be caught up before the New Year bells chime.
Sometimes a Joyful Heart is the furthest thing from our reality. We are living with a broken spirit, that “dries up the bones”. Soul crushing harm and trauma does literally cause health problems. See The Body Keeps the Score.
So how can we get this “medicine” of a joyful heart. It isn’t accomplished by as the old song says to Just Put on a Happy Face. It’s about our heart. Not putting on a false face, living in denial.

Creating art is very therapeutic soul care, and specific types even more so. Even for the completely non-artist with no art skills. Art and music are both great brain healers, and certain processes specifically helpful in healing trauma. For those of us that have gone through the stress and trauma of a destructive marriage and divorce, healing from it—restorative, healing soul care and drawing near to God are so important. These are important aspects of Life Restoration Coaching through Freely Whole*.
Most often, my own creations are “for the moment”, what worship or pain or joy or struggle I’m working through. Or what Scriptures I’m meditating on.
This past month, my creations have been based on a theme, from a Faith Art retreat I attended, Choose Joy. I’ll be sharing this series in my next few posts. I hope they encourage you on your journey. Both as you reflect on my creations, and to consider stepping into therapeutic mixed media art creation.
I pray you take a little time (even in the midst of the overwhelming chaos) for soul care and creating beauty from ashes—even if they don’t end up beautiful. It’s the PROCESS that is healing, not the finished look. Worship God and meditate on His Word as you create, and you’ve added so much more!
Step out on your own, or join me in my upcoming Creativity Soul Care Coaching Course.
#freelywhole #FreelyWholeCreative #soulcare #creativeworship #mixedmediaart #creativitytherapy
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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