It’s so important for us to see things as they are. Truth is what sets us free. Our Lord Jesus IS Truth! The enemy would love for us to live our lives confused by lies. We break free, heal and grow, and live free, by seeing things for what they really are—the abuser for who he really is, the marriage for what it really is and has been, the divorce for the necessity it is, the future for all it can be.
Living with lies, and cognitive dissonance, are such a part of what we endure in abusive and adulterous marriages. Like the frog in the pot, we’ve slowly been burned, perhaps without realizing it. The covert abuse, deception, manipulation, projecting, gaslighting and more can all twist our perspective—our lens. We may “think” he is great. We may “think” we could never live without him. He may even have us “thinking” it is really us that’s to blame.
But for anything to change, we must change some things. To see what really is. To gain a better perspective. We must be not only willing, but determined, to see life through Truth and Hope.
The lens we look at every thing in life through determines our life.
To have a better life, we must change our lens.
The image below is from Bob & Polly Hamp. It speaks of this lens as pain, but other expressions are possible too. When your lens begins to change so does everything else!

Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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