We’re in a season now that can be super busy. We can find ourselves lacking in the peace, comfort and joy that this season is supposed to be about.
I’ve been enjoying all my music concerts and performances (4 just this past week, plus attending another of a friend’s), loved hosting Thanksgiving, was so excited to attend my coaches retreat—even though it resulted in an injury that laid me up for a while. I greatly look forward to celebrating Christmas with much of my family. And of course, there’s always work to pay the bills, classes to attend and to teach, mentoring and coaching to do. Busy, busy. All of that has left only snippets of time for soul care.
So right now it’s time for “pray and play”. Taking time out, amongst the super busyness, for soul care is tough but necessary. Even if it’s only a few minutes at a time and not much brain space, with all the other brain-overload-busyness, to come up with ideas, I have to make the most of every moment of creative soul care time.
Here’s the beginnings of my Pray & Play* mixed media canvases. No finished product in mind, just relaxing and enjoying the process.
That usually leads to inspiration. I’ll show you what becomes of this—and many others like it, in a future post.
For now, just go Pray & Play*, relax and enjoy the process.

A New Year is coming! Watch for new workshops and courses coming, as I lead you through the process of Pray & Play* , therapeutic mixed media faith art creativity. Subscribe in the sidebar, so you don’t miss it!
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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