Daily Word – Comfort

In the healing survivor community we hear a lot about “sharing your story.” Because isolation, gaslighting, minimizing, blame-shifting, intimidation and more of the like are prominent tactics in hidden abuse, there is too much fear for many women to tell anyone what’s going on. As a survivor begins to come out of the dissonance and to gain clarity, she begins to feel safe to, and is encouraged to, share her story with safe people, to aid in her healing. It helps her see the reality of her situation, and the severity and evil of the abuser’s treatment of her.

After she escapes the oppression, is safe, and is walking the healing and rebuilding side of life’s journey, she may open her story to a larger circle, as an encouragement and comfort to other survivors that God brings alongside her, that are not as far along this treacherous journey.

Perhaps God leads her to take it even further, to become equipped as a guide to the broader community of survivors, as an advocate, mentor and/or coach. And perhaps He leads her to be a “voice crying in the wilderness” to the public, to the church, to open their eyes to the atrocities done behind closed doors, and to call them to action.

No matter where she is along the journey of her story, there is One she can go to safely and spill out her whole story, in all its ugliness, and all her hurt. One Who not only is always listening to her cries—her story, but also knows every detail. One Who never shames her. One Who never plot twists on her. One Who never manipulates, never minimizes nor justifies evil.

One Who always comforts her in her distress. One Who gives her the ability to comfort others with the same comfort she has received from God. The Comforter!

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

This is one of my favorite “life and ministry verses.” Decades ago, God impressed on me that this was what I was to do, to use the experiences I’ve been through, and the teaching I’ve received, as I go through this journey of life, to come alongside others. To comfort, mentor, encourage and guide. To help heal the broken-hearted, set free the captives, and bring to Liberty those that are oppressed. It’s why I do what I do—and love what I do.

Go to Him for comfort today—and everyday! Find your tribe to walk alongside of in life, and comfort one another with the comfort you’ve received. Reach out to someone struggling, and bring them alongside and give them comfort.

Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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