I’m sometimes accused of being naive. Which is somewhat a dichotomy, since I’m a studier and over-thinker. But I believe the best—until it’s proven wrong. I like to find simplicity. I get excited over the little things in life—and concerned over little things. I see how those little things make up the big picture. Where they are heading. What they can, and likely will become.
Are we as concerned about being faithful in the little things in life as we are about the big things?
The little things will become the big things!

Our “core beliefs” need to be strong so that we operate out of conviction, in both the big things and the small. We will act out of what is truly growing from the seeds in our hearts. We need to nurture the “good seed”, so we aren’t “tossed by every wind”.
Whatever your situation, be faithful in the small things. ❤️
Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty
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