Freely Whole provides Life Restoration Coaching, for Christian women, post marital abuse, betrayal, trauma, and divorce. I am a certified Abuse Survivor Advocate*, trained in the 4 Tools Framework, and a Clarity Coach** (nearing certification), trained in trauma recovery. I focus on the body-soul-spirit connection, for wholeness in life. I’m also a Bible teacher, Creativity Coach, and natural health educator—in diet, real essentials oils, and more,—with many trainings, certifications, and decades of experience in each.

My goal is to come alongside and support you, as you rebuild a life you love—going from Survivor to Thriver, to More Than a Conqueror! Jesus came to set free the captive, to heal the broken-hearted, to offer you Abundant Life! He’s all about bringing Beauty from Ashes, and I love watching Him do it!
My prayer for you is that your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless. (1 Thess 5:23) That you live a life that is Freely Whole—body, soul, and spirit, in Life! Liberty! and Happiness!
As a coach, mentor, teacher, I’m here to help you meet your goals for personal growth and healing, post marital abuse/trauma/divorce, through several healing and growth modalities, as you move forward in your new life.
Get support for your healing and rebuilding your life in:
- * regulating your nervous system—and regaining balance in your emotions
- * setting goals for moving forward—where you’ve been, where you are, where you want to be
- * utilizing effective natural healing supports
- * maintaining and rebuilding your health through your recovery
- * growing in faith as you untangle the confusion that your spiritual life may have taken on
- * rewiring your thinking and restoring brain cohesiveness
- * utilizing creativity for its healing benefits
I’m not a licensed therapist. I do not diagnose, prescribe—nor take insurance. I am a coach, an experienced sister-friend who walks beside you and supports you on your journey, offering many helpful tools to help you reach your goals. If you need deeper help than coaching provides, please find a trauma-model trained, licensed therapist.
*with Give Her Wings Academy **with WILD Institute
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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