If I Perish

Reading in Esther today—for Purim, which is tonight.
Thankful for sister Esther’s example of standing for what’s right before God, for seeking God’s wisdom for a plan and executing it, and saving many.

“If I perish, I perish!”
But justice was served at the gallows.

May we stand as faithful to God as Esther, regardless the stakes.

May we seek wisdom for the best course of action, in God’s view, and speak it out courageously, regardless of our “position” in this world.

May our God-given voices and wisdom be heard and heeded, that many would be saved.


Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty—Life Restoration & Therapeutic Creativity Coach

Providing Soul-healing, beauty from ashes, content through Creativity & Coaching—to empower you to live a life that is Freely Whole—spirit, soul, and body—in Jesus!

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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