Love & hugs to all our single mom peeps here. ❤️

I’m guessing that all, or at least most of you, like me, never ever thought you’d be in this position.
We came into our marriages thinking we were going to be great wives and mothers. And we were. Of course, not perfect, but determined to do our best, for him and them. We thought we were going to have great husbands. We thought we were going to raise children in a safe, healthy, and even God-loving home. We thought we were going to have equal help and support in raising our children. We never thought that this is how things would be.
Yet here we are, doing it—alone. He may be legally a “co-parent”, but many times, he does not take equal responsibility. He does not provide equal care. He does not act in the children’s best interests. He does not provide, as court ordered let alone out of conscience, for them. He does not parent.
You, mama are doing it—alone. You’re taking care of sick kids—and healthy kids—alone. You’re dealing with emotional teenagers and crabbby toddlers—alone. You’re sitting up with and holding scared and confused toddlers, kids, and teens—alone. You’re juggling multiple schedules, including your own—alone. You’re doing the job of 2 parents—alone.
But you mama, are doing it—alone!
So celebrate you today—even if no one else around you does.
I do.
Celebrate, even if you celebrate—alone!
For you, single mom—are doing it!
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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