{post 2 in this series} Taking some “time out”, during the busyness before the holidays, to just Pray & Play* was indeed needed, and ended up being a fruitful decision. Playing with Tim Holtz Distress Sprays is a favorite fun way to intuitively create, and get some wonderful backgrounds to use as foundations for finished creations. So that’s where I began.
As I added layer upon layer, of inks and other mixed media textures for the backgrounds, inspiration came for taking them to the next step. And finalizing with words of inspiration and focal points.
My first start for the backgrounds was choosing a few colors of spray ink and a canvas substrate. I just started spraying for my first layer. Doesn’t look like anything worth keeping at this point. So we keep going.

Dry that layer. Then add another layer. Perhaps adding other Ink and Oxide Sprays. Continue adding layers and drying between each, until you’re satisfied—or at least 75-80% satisfied with it.

Texture paste through a stencil is many times another layer, after I’m happy with the main inking.

A couple die cuts, with more mixed media techniques, and an inspirational word, and…

Here’s what this background became.

9 more to share—over the next few…. As I lead up to my new workshop, showing you all the tips and techniques. Here’s a sneak peek at another couple!

Come play alongside me, as I teach the specifics of the techniques I use and the therapeutic Pray & Play* process, for mixed media canvas creations like these, in my upcoming new workshops and courses. Subscribe in the sidebar, so you don’t miss the schedule!
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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