Bible Journaling – Last Passover & Crucifixion

My process of Bible Journaling isn’t often something I video as I’m creating it. It is a highly personal and reflective time, meditating on the passage, praying, and demonstrating my thoughts and feelings through whatever I’m inspired to do at the moment. Many pauses. Sometimes more mess than beauty. Sometimes I have no planned direction. Other times, it doesn’t turn out like I’d envisioned. But it is my time with my Abba. He know what my thoughts are, my vision for my page, regardless of how it turns out. He is pleased with my imperfect offerings, when He knows my… Continue reading

It is Finished

They stripped Him, scourged Him, placed a crown of thorns on His head, and took Him to the Place of the Skull. They crucified Him. Jesus, the “King of the Jews.” … But death could not hold Him. It is finished! He’s alive! He has conquered the grave, death, and sin. #freelywhole #freelywholecreative #BibleJournaling That His people may also conquer — and live! Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website.Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul… Continue reading

It’s Friday, but …

Sunday is coming! On the first day of the Feast of Matzah (Unleavened Bread), Y’Shua kept the Pesach (Passover) with His disciples. This Feast, was instituted by Yahweh God. When His people were held in bondage in Egypt, at His order, a spotless lamb was sacrificed and its blood applied to the doorposts, to protect those within from the judgement He was bringing. Passover not only remembered their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, it more importantly looked forward to the eternal deliverance of God’s children from the bondage of sin, by the Lamb of God, the Messiah, Y’Shua ha-Mashiach. Besides… Continue reading

Prayer & Rest

This is what a prayer and rest retreat looks like for me. ❤️🙏🏻 When life has been non-stop, stressful extras, for over a year, and mama’s two travel events this spring have been nixed, she eventually needs a bit of a break. Some time alone with God, for rest and reflection, are just the fix. My car is full. My room is full. Not with clothing, toiletries, food, and daily needs, (though they all came in one small backpack.) But with tools of the trade. With pieces that will help me create peace. With ashes to turn into beauty. With… Continue reading

Psalm 143 Bible Journaling

Do you spend much time in the Psalms? One purpose of God’s Word is for it to be a comfort to us. But we don’t usually turn to Leviticus to find that solace. In times of deep distress, we perhaps can’t even think where to turn. In that turmoil, we may just open the Bible anywhere and hope that God speaks out, but this Bible roulette may have the opposite effect. Or maybe we just freeze, and don’t turn anywhere—abandoning God’s Word, that’s he’s given us to help us. Crying out to God in our trials with our words is… Continue reading

Pro 30:8 YHWH Yireh Journaling

YHWH Yireh, My God will Provide! Often, this is the hardest promise of God for many to believe. His failure to provide is many times the greatest fear of DV survivors. It keeps them stuck in the destructive situation, when they need to get out for safety and healing. Others aren’t immune to these fears either. Even for those that this isn’t a fear, it is still to be the prayer of all of us, “Give us this day our daily bread.” In Proverbs 30:8, Agur declared to Ithiel and Ucal his request of God, “Give me neither poverty nor… Continue reading

Luke 4:18 Journaling

Luke 4:18

He has come! For your freedom and wholeness! Join me today for mixed media Bible Journaling of Luke 4:18. Read my Reflections on the verse here. Gather your supplies (listed below), and watch the video for the process. Subscribe to my Freely Whole YouTube Channel, and click to get ALL notifications, to watch my videos there. Copy my design or come up with your own. Get inspiration and develop your own style for mixed media Bible Journaling. We want to see what you do! Join my groups and Share a picture of your page on our Freely Whole Creative Community… Continue reading

Luke 4:18 – He Has Come

He has come! That is the Good News! With the recent celebration of Advent and Christmas, our minds and hearts have been focused on the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. But he didn’t just come as a baby to live as a human and to die. His death and resurrection, to atone for the sins of His own was His ultimate purpose, but He also came with a ministry purpose in life here on earth. His death and resurrection extended that ministry to those of us that have come much later in HIStory, that didn’t walk the streets of Judea… Continue reading

Job 14:7 Hope

Today I posted about the Hope we have, as trees before the Lord, Hope that we will sprout again. Here is my Bible Journaling to go along with that. Project supplies: Journal the Word Bible image from online, resized, printed, and traced into my Bible with Micron 01 pen—and notes written Image and Verse colored with: FaberCastell Pitt Artist Pens-Bold: May Green, Dark Phthalo Green, Green Gold Tim Holtz Ditress Paints: Walnut Stain, Twisted Citron Dylusions Paint: Vibrant Turquoise You wouldn’t need all colors. I mixed what I had to get what I wanted. Hope: 110# card stock, previously ink… Continue reading