Bible Journaling – Last Passover & Crucifixion

My process of Bible Journaling isn’t often something I video as I’m creating it. It is a highly personal and reflective time, meditating on the passage, praying, and demonstrating my thoughts and feelings through whatever I’m inspired to do at the moment. Many pauses. Sometimes more mess than beauty. Sometimes I have no planned direction. Other times, it doesn’t turn out like I’d envisioned. But it is my time with my Abba. He know what my thoughts are, my vision for my page, regardless of how it turns out. He is pleased with my imperfect offerings, when He knows my heart is to worship Him through my creativity.

In 2 of my recent posts, on the Last Passover and the Crucifixion, I shared photos of my creative journaling for them. Today I want to share my process in making those. Just by going back and walking you through, step by step, the creation of those pages, and the supplies I used. The printable I created for these and my next entry, the Resurrection, which I’ll share soon—as I did video it, is available as a Free Download in my Shop.

Supplies used for Last Passover – Matthew 26
Supplies used for Crucifixion – Matthew 27

Now go enJOY worshiping your Creator through Creativity and His Word. We want to see your creations! Join one of my Creative Communities a share pics there: Freely Whole Creative Community at MeWe or Facebook, or follow me on Instagram @freelywhole and use hashtag #freelywholecreative on your creations

#freelywhole #freelywholecreative #BibleJournaling

Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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