Domestic Abuse Awareness — #6

This whole month I will continue this series, (Lord willing, daily,) in bringing about awareness for domestic abuse, particularly in “Christian” circles. Quotes, articles/videos, and thoughts will be shared. Domestic Abuse covers a lot of ground. What I share is mainly in the context of marital abuse–emotional/psychological, financial, sexual, adultery, and abandonment, not just physical beatings. There are many important topics in the domestic abuse realm that I probably won’t cover. Others have that charge. Topics I share on range from living in the destruction, to getting out, to post-divorce abuse, to healing, to support or lack of it for the survivor.

This month will no doubt seem “heavy” for many readers. It may be hard for those who have not experienced it to accept these truths, especially that they happen in homes that portray Christian faith and respectable community members and leaders. Perhaps you care about someone that is/was in the midst of this and haven’t known how to help, or how desperately your help is needed. It may be triggering for some that are in the midst of it. (I hope not. I hope you see encouragement and validation.)

My goal is simply awareness, and encouragement to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the oppressed. For victims/survivors, my desire is to be a voice in the wilderness crying out on your behalf. To provide validation. To encourage you. To point you to the goodness of God, even in the midst of a horrible situation. To declare His redemption and healing for you. To affirm His hatred of evil and oppression, and His Triumph over them! He will not be mocked. He is the ultimate and final Judge. He sees and He cares.

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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