Welcome to our 12 Months of Wholeness through Creativity! I’m so glad you’ve joined us. I believe you’re going to enjoy our journey this year, so stick with me!

Our journey will take us through creating 12 Freedom & Simplicity™ projects, each month learning a different type of crafting and techniques. They require no artistic skills or finesse. There are no Pinterest fails here! There is also no Pin it, Forget it! These projects are for active creativity.
My hope is that along the way you’ll find new things you enjoy, and that you’ll continue to do more of those. My goal is to get us all creating more, as a regular habit.
We were created to create–like our Creator! He’s given us creativity, not just for brilliant new inventions or breath-taking works of art, but each individual to beautify their and others’ lives and bring joy and healing. That’s why creativity has been found to be a great stress reducer and even healer of our brains from trauma or injury. Creativity’s value as “therapy” is valid, whether in a clinical setting or by ourselves in our own homes.
Get ready to begin our first project! Be sure you’ve joined our Facebook group to share your pictures and comments, and ask questions. — And to watch this Introduction in video format!
Be back soon with our first project!