Rejoice with me as I celebrate another accomplishment that I never thought I’d have, nor wanted to.
Yesterday I graduated and received certification for training in a ministry I never in an million years thought I’d have, nor desired. It just wasn’t on my radar as something I was working toward or wanting to do.
I became certified as an abuse survivor advocate.

Even when I was offered a place in the course, I argued with God. I know it is a much needed ministry, “but God, it’s not MY ministry”. I obviously ended up enrolling. It was a hard course. And as this past year unfolded, and my own life’s situations turned my fairly new and happy, free life upside down again, I didn’t think I’d finish the course. I’d gotten too far behind. But this summer, God strengthened me to rally. And I did it!
The many hundreds of women I’ve connected with and worked with over the past four years are nearly all Christians or profess to be so, though many have had their faith rattled to the core, and some have been sold such twisted scriptures and views of “christianity” that they believe God is abusive and wants them to be abused.
Many are homeschool moms, like me. Women who love their children, love their homes, love God deeply and just want to follow him.
Maybe you aren’t called to this ministry, (me either) 🙂 but I guarantee you all know at least someONE (or 2 or 3 or 20 or 100) in a domestic abuse situation. Someone who probably won’t come right out and tell you up front that she is, because she’s been taught to never speak ill of her husband, no matter how wicked and cruel he is. She doesn’t utter the abuse word aloud. (It is far more prevalent in the church than we think.) 😭😭😭
But she is someone the Lord has called us all to be the hands and feet of Jesus to. To bind up the broken-hearted, to set free the captives, to walk alongside of and to rejoice with when she can find some small thing in the midst of her deep trials and trauma to rejoice over, and to weep with her when she weeps.
I am so thankful for the women of God who were (are) there for me. Who listened to the ugly truth, who stood by me, were there for me through all the horrible situations, cruelty and trauma, and were there to be Jesus’ hands and feet to help me. Who encouraged me, and gave me hope. How can I not “comfort others with the same comfort the Lord has given me”?

So today, please rejoice with me in my certification, and weep with me at the great need for it, amongst our Christian sisters.
Liberty ~ freely whole