Today is a traumaversary. But thanks be to God for escape, healing and no triggers bothering me at all!

6 years ago today, was the beginning of the end of my life in abusive bondage. The final act of tyranny that led to my push back, and first steps towards independence, to my life of Freedom, as an autonomous entity.

Thus, like the united States, I declared my independence. I fought a hard ugly war to be free from ungodly control and cruelty, with no voice. I was devistated and lost so much, and so many battles, but kept fighting for freedom. And I WON THAT LIBERTY! The war was hard, ugly, and draining—and went on so long. The rebuilding, in the aftermath, was hard, and also long—with many new battles popping up. I was building something entirely new. I didn’t know what it would look like. But I knew freedom would be worth the fight. And whatever it brought would be better than abusive oppression, betrayal, deceit, and cruelty.

This is why Independence Day is no longer a trauma reminder, but rather a day of celebration. A day of declaration. A day for Freedom. A day for Liberty—and for her to enjoy happy soul-care.

For Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness—Freely Whole,
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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