Did you notice the tabs on my altered envelope, that I posted on Freely Whole Creative Studio on Facebook, this week? That Envelope tutorial will be coming soon, but for that project, and as I continue creating, I’m grateful to Julie, at Camelia Craft Designs (on YouTube,) for designing a “whale tail” type tab for Cricut Design Space (free if you have Access), since that style of punch is nearly impossible to find (at least affordably.
So quick and easy to have dozens of tabs at the ready. Much faster than I could punch or manually die cut. And definitely, infinitely faster than I could hand cut them.

These are made from digital printouts, each printed to fill an 8.5×11” sheet of #110 cardstock.
Julie’s Cricut design has 3 sizes of tabs, duplicated many times. I customized Julie’s tabs lay out to fit my letter size paper. Then pushed the button for my Cricut to do its thing! Voila! Large piles of tabs in varying patterns and sizes. Plenty to add to many projects for a long time.
Got a Cricut? Go get Julie’s tabs! Save yourself cutting time and gain yourself creating time.
Now go make Beauty from Ashes! And enJOY!
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Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty
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