Joyful—Psalm 100 Faith Art

“Make a Joyful noise! Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before His presence with singing.” What better way to display Joyfulness in our art than with a colorful composition! I’m still working my way through creating some of the projects demonstrated at the Choose Joy Faith Art online retreat I attended a few weeks ago. I practiced what I’m preaching, and had fun making this mixed media Scripture Faith Art page, as I meditated on God and His goodness and blessed His name. (Read this whole short chapter in the Psalms.) This colorful page includes: Ink blending, reverse stenciling, much… Continue reading

I Sing Faith Dex Tutorial

Here’s the Video Tutorial for the Faith Journal page I composed for Singing, in my She Created a Life She Loves journal. “I Sing because I’m Happy! I Sing because I’m Free!” The written instructions for the page are in my last post. In this Video tutorial, I recreated, on a Faith Dex card, the techniques I used on the page. You choice which you’d like to make—Faith Dex Card or Journal page. Enjoy the video. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join… Continue reading