Love with All Your Heart

I am LOVING working in this Greatest of These is Love Journal! God not only says, but commands us to “Love with all your heart.” And He tells us exactly what/Who we are to love—Him. Our highest calling in our lives is to love Him because He first loved us. And to love others as we love ourselves. A simple command, but not always easy to do. A simple command worthy to be put simply on this spread. This spread has a simple focal point and simple message, on a multi-layered, colorful background with rich depth. The layers began with… Continue reading

Faith Mixed Media Journal

I’ve had a great week creating Faith Mixed Media, after I attended an Online Retreat last weekend. The teachers at The Greatest of These, put on by Creative Worship Stamps, all had great inspiration—from faith mixed media to Bible art journaling to Bible study to greeting cards to faith planning. I decided to do my makes, based on their classes, in one of the new journals I made last month. This 4×4” flex spine, fabric covered journal—that I made for nothing-in-particular—is working out great for this. Once I knew its purpose, I decorated the cover with the Retreat themed printable…. Continue reading

New Creation—Meditation & Tutorial

What do you believe about yourself? If you are a follower of Jesus, spiritually reborn, He has much to say about who you are. You are a New Creation—in Him. Start the New Year off with a positive and healing step, through this Mixed Media Meditation* on who you are in Jesus the Christ. This video will lead you in a healing devotional and therapeutic mixed media art process that will help you see yourself as God sees you, when you are in Christ, and shed those false beliefs you have of yourself. Supplies: Download Freebie. 20 Truths from God’s… Continue reading

New Creation

Start the New Year off with a positive and healing step, through this Mixed Media Meditation* on who you are in Jesus the Christ. The healing devotional and therapeutic art process video of this make — along with a Freebie download—will be up next! #mixedmediameditation #faithartjournaling #mixedmedia #therapeuticcreativity #freelywholecreative Come along with me on this healing path of creativity by subscribing here, and joining my Creative Communities and Courses. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar, to not miss any posts Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page. And YouTube (creativity)… Continue reading

Joyful—Psalm 100 Faith Art

“Make a Joyful noise! Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before His presence with singing.” What better way to display Joyfulness in our art than with a colorful composition! I’m still working my way through creating some of the projects demonstrated at the Choose Joy Faith Art online retreat I attended a few weeks ago. I practiced what I’m preaching, and had fun making this mixed media Scripture Faith Art page, as I meditated on God and His goodness and blessed His name. (Read this whole short chapter in the Psalms.) This colorful page includes: Ink blending, reverse stenciling, much… Continue reading

I Sing Faith Dex Tutorial

Here’s the Video Tutorial for the Faith Journal page I composed for Singing, in my She Created a Life She Loves journal. “I Sing because I’m Happy! I Sing because I’m Free!” The written instructions for the page are in my last post. In this Video tutorial, I recreated, on a Faith Dex card, the techniques I used on the page. You choice which you’d like to make—Faith Dex Card or Journal page. Enjoy the video. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join… Continue reading