Love with All Your Heart

I am LOVING working in this Greatest of These is Love Journal! God not only says, but commands us to “Love with all your heart.” And He tells us exactly what/Who we are to love—Him. Our highest calling in our lives is to love Him because He first loved us. And to love others as we love ourselves. A simple command, but not always easy to do. A simple command worthy to be put simply on this spread. This spread has a simple focal point and simple message, on a multi-layered, colorful background with rich depth. The layers began with… Continue reading

Rise Up O Army

💯 If this isn’t a perfect verse/description of Christian marital abuse survivors! March on, sisters! Jesus has given us life again and raised us up! I am so happy to see the rising up of the advocacy against abuse (psychological, not just “physical”) in the last decade. In reading this verse today, God gave me a picture of how He has breathed life into post-abuse survivors, many of them who have all but given up on life, and raised them up as an army of advocates against abuse—whatever form it takes, (in my view, especially in the Christian marital setting,… Continue reading

Layer a Day – Unique

I’m continuing my Layer a Day creating, even amidst the other creating I’ve been doing. I’m so behind on posts. But I wanted to get as much creative time in as I could during my after-Christmas “break” (from just about everything except work.) I know that extra time to create will have plenty of dry spells soon enough, especially now that my classes have all resumed and I have more other things on my plate again. Christmas break is over. We got a little snow after Christmas, and it’s all pretty much gone now (but the super cold is back)…. Continue reading

Layer a Day – Joy

I sometimes lose track of time when creating. I love when I have time to create and just leave everything else behind, out of mind. But those times are fewer and further between than I’d like. I also sometimes have a hard time creating if I can’t really spend some time on it, coming up with ideas, executing them, having a finished product in mind. In my last post, I shared well over 150 prompts with you, to help you get started—whether you’ve lost your mojo or are just looking for some inspiration. Whether you want to complete a “Full… Continue reading

New Creation

Start the New Year off with a positive and healing step, through this Mixed Media Meditation* on who you are in Jesus the Christ. The healing devotional and therapeutic art process video of this make — along with a Freebie download—will be up next! #mixedmediameditation #faithartjournaling #mixedmedia #therapeuticcreativity #freelywholecreative Come along with me on this healing path of creativity by subscribing here, and joining my Creative Communities and Courses. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar, to not miss any posts Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page. And YouTube (creativity)… Continue reading

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

When your life is falling apart. When you don’t know what decisions to make. When your soul is weary. When you go through the darkest of valleys. Jesus is with you, leading you. #dvawareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide… Continue reading

God Hears & Rescues

God hears your cries. He does not want you left in abuse and brokenhearted. His desire is to rescue and save. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that is Freely… Continue reading

God is There to Help Her

God cares for His daughters, and does not want them harmed. He sees. He loves. He is there. He will help you move from Survivor to Thriver. #dvawareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you… Continue reading

Does God Expect You to Stay?

Does God expect you to stay? Enabling isn’t the “loving” or “biblical” thing to do. The abuser/sexually immoral has already broken the marriage covenant. #dvawareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach Marriage is not a life sentence to abusive slavery. It is to be a bonding of mutual love and care, being one together, not one canceling the other by evil. There is no disclaimer to this, and other verses like it, “unless you married them.” Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like… Continue reading