The King is Come!

This morning the tears are freely flowing. I guess that’s something to rejoice in. It’s an expression. So much in my heart. So much in my thoughts. Always. But the expressions are still slow coming. That’s been the hardest part of recovery /rebuilding for this singer/author/creative. To you, this is just a random “post”. To me, this is an expression of the depths. It is heart and soul.

Each year I do a Christmas Carol Countdown on social media, sharing some of my favorite renditions of favorite Christmas songs—old and new. This morning’s is a true mix of very old traditional, high praise and very new, modern expression. The Hallelujah Chorus, part of Handel’s Baroque oratorio, Messiah, composed in 1741 and performed continuously since then. In todays video, performed by a modern “flash mob”.

I love the pomp and splendor of the song, giving the King of Kings His due majesty and glory and worship. I love that this song is written to be performed by community, the Body of Christ, come together to rejoice in and regale Him. I’m not naive enough to believe that all who sing it are actually a part of His Body, but that is it’s intention. His own people, bowing at His throne.

In this performance, the picture of His Body, from all walks of life, “every tribe and tongue”, rising up in the marketplace to declare Who that babe in the manger truly is, is especially powerful to me. Thus the tears.

Worship our Savior and King with me! And, Enjoy!

Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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