People tend to think of Creativity as a hobby—or a job, if you’re super skilled and have great marketing. Something you are skilled at so you do it—or not. Something you love doing and do well—or not.
They are thinking in terms of Fine Art. A painter who brings color to life in beautiful landscapes. A sketch artist who draws lifelike portraits. Or a sculptor who mimics Michelangelo. Creativity can lead to that—for a relatively small number of people. But creativity (and art) are so much more. They are for everyone!

Creativity is an innate part of everyone of us. We were all created in the image of The Creator. This trait of Creativity was given to every soul for a purpose. And that purpose is not to create elaborate works that the entire world will oo and ah over. There are definitely added gifts and talents given to bring beauty into this world, and for that we are so very thankful.
But for most of us, the creativity we were all given is to bring beauty to our own souls. To bring healing. To bring joy. To bring peace. (Yeah, for many of us having to create works of Fine Art, on display for the world to judge, would create much stress not peace, and probably cause us to crash not heal.) The beauty our creativity is given for, is not for outward public display of beauty, but rather for creating beauty in our own souls.
Creativity is a powerful healing tool!
You don’t have to be an “artist”. Create for healing. And it will bring you peace and joy. Join me for a soul-healing creative journey. Let’s make beauty from ashes!
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty—Life Restoration & Therapeutic Creativity Coach
Providing Soul-healing, beauty from ashes, content through Creativity & Coaching—to empower you to live a life that is Freely Whole—spirit, soul, and body—in Jesus!
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