‘Tis the season—the week between Christmas and New Year’s—when I mainly work on organizational projects and putting things away, decluttering etc.—after the explosion all the holidays bring.
One of my primary goals is usually to find my creative studio again. Many Christmas projects are usually done, with a time crunch, and yes, it looks like paper exploded in there. So it’s now time for everything to find its home again.
I also usually pack away the specifically Christmas products and supplies. This year they weren’t even touched. 😢 But that doesn’t mean I didn’t make a whole lot of Christmas gifts. They just weren’t Christmas themed. And that is a post for another day.
What I noticed this year is that in addition to cataloging my new items (Black Friday super sales), I also had many other, old things, that needed to be cataloged before being put away. Somehow they’d missed that step.
So before I get to putting all the papers/scraps away, I’m doing a boatload of die cutting, to add to my “inventory catalog.”

Are you organizing and putting back into place your craft supplies this week? What is your biggest project in doing that? Are you also finding time to create?
Are you looking for some fresh ideas for the new year? I have new workshops, courses, and a new creative sisterhood community coming! Watch for it! And Subscribe so you don’t miss it.
Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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