Too many vinyl projects had been stacking up here. Each of these were individual projects. But with no deadline. Not “urgent”. Not “really important.” So they sat as only completed designs in my Cricut Design Space, waiting to be cut and applied.

None were hard. None took long to apply. But they weren’t urgent. So they patiently waited. For a stolen moment.
Until I set a deadline. For all of them. Before I left on a trip.
Deadlines make great motivators. They make things priorities, and important. 2 “tumblers”. 2 car decals. 2 Tshirts, (the other didn’t make the picture.) All completed. A very short afternoon later.
So why do we/I put off these things? Why do small, enjoyable projects get pushed by the wayside? Why do we neglect them, letting them pile up?
Is it because we feel that creating isn’t a priority? Is it because we have so many other “important” things to do? Is it because soul care isn’t valued as highly as “work”? Is it because creativity is seen as an “extra”?
I came across this quote this week. I believe it speaks to this issue. I don’t know the author, but I agree. “Art is not meant to be created in stolen moments only.” Now, I need to remember to live it.

Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty
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