Wish I Would Have Card

Here is my wish-I-would-have card from this past week. I make a lot of them. All unique in style and techniques.

This card came from experimenting. Using many of my loved techniques, but trying out a couple that I usually only use in other styles. To just look at this card (without analyzing it) you probably won’t spot the wish-I-would-haves. It turned out well. But there are things I will do different next time.

Creating art requires both intuition and much play—experimenting. It requires the ability to accept “fails”—whether those can be transformed or are just trashed. It doesn’t matter. The growth is in the process.

Here’s the rest of the story of how this card was created. And what I wish-I-would-have.

This card began with very familiar layers of Distress Spray Stains. I didn’t want to use Oxides, as I knew they would mute it more than I want. I kept layering until I loved it.

I added some background stenciling and stamping with Distress Ink, again par for the course. I considered using Distress Archival Ink, but decided I wanted the more muted aesthetic and was ok with the reactivity of the Distress Ink.

Next I figured I’d add a bit of pizazz, and follow the path of the inspiration tutorial I’d watched*, by adding a bit of Mica Spray. I didn’t want it to take over, so I only splattered a bit on.

I hesitated before adding MicroGlaze (that the tutorial instructed). I know it is good to use to seal your water reactive mediums, and I do use it at times, but… my intuition hesitated. I went ahead and put it on, because this was experimental play! I immediately realized that I hadn’t water splattered after my Mica splats, to diffuse them a bit. I wish I would have. But now they were sealed for time and eternity. 😄

The focal technique called for heat embossing a large line stamp. I believe the instructor used Archival Ink, but I pulled out my usual VersaMark. I think I wish-I-would-have used the Archival. I feel like the VersaMark wicked a little, creating wider lines, even though I used Fine Detail embossing powder. But perhaps I’m imagining that. Still, I will use Archival next time, as I have sometimes in the past. But specifically watching for if it creates a finer line.

Also I realized right away that embossing powder was sticking in places to the MicroGlaze. Perhaps I hadn’t buffed it enough and let in dry thoroughly. I’m pretty sure I used my embossing prep bag. But whatever it was, I had to brush off excess embossing powder—and couldn’t get all of it that was within the design. I actually wish-I-would-have—not used the MicroGlaze. But it was experimentation, and now I know. I will do differently next time.

A sentiment from my stash went well with this make, and it added a nice finishing touch to this panel.

I didn’t want the white border of the card base, so I painted around the edge of it with Walnut Stain Distress Paint.

All’s well that ends well. And I learned a few things along the way. I love this make—even though it contains some I-Wish-I-Would-Haves!

What are some Wish-I-Would-Haves that you’ve learned from in experimenting in your creative making?

*class was from a private retreat, instructor Tiffany Solorio. Follow her (and me) on YouTube.


Living Coram Deo & freely whole
~ Liberty—Life Restoration & Therapeutic Creativity Coach

Providing Soul-healing, beauty from ashes, content through Creativity & Coaching—to empower you to live a life that is Freely Whole—spirit, soul, and body—in Jesus!

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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