We’re saying good-bye to the old and ringing in the new tonight! Farewell 2019 and the 20-teens! Hello 2020! The Roaring’ 20s are back!
To ring in this new decade, we’re going to take a journey of 12 Months of Wholeness through Creativity! What a great way to begin a new decade!
12 Months of Wholeness through Creativity will be monthly Freedom & Simplicity™ projects–presented here!– to help you open up your creativity, reduce stress, and even heal from brain or trauma injury. Crafting may (or may not) be cheaper than therapy, but it is excellent therapy–whether that is just for general relaxation or brain healing. You were created to create. Create for JOY!

The projects I present will be designed specifically to help move you forward in life–not just run-of-the-mill gift/decor crafts. These projects may be used for such, but will have a “wholeness” purpose. These are not “Pinterest” (Pin it. Forget it.) projects, but simple things you can actually do along with us to bring Joy and Wholeness. Create along with us! No art skills needed!
Each month I’ll present a different type of creativity, so you will learn several different types of projects. I will keep basic supplies as minimal as possible, giving you further options for greater detail, greater convenience, and going deeper in that type of project.
This variety will prove helpful for those of you that don’t know what you enjoy doing, or those healing from trauma/brain injury. Try a variety and find what you like and want to continue doing!
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Be sure to join our private Facebook group, 12 Months of Creativity, where you can share your completed projects and join in the chit chat.