About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

Scars not Open Wounds

Healing doesn’t come from ignoring what happened to you, but rather, through treatment over time, moving on to where it doesn’t control your life. Healed damage may leave scars, but not open wounds that are still hemorrhaging. #dvawareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me… Continue reading

Hope and a Future

Grieve, mourn, then move forward in hope. You have a beautiful future yet to be written. #dvswareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that is Freely Whole–in Jesus!

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

When your life is falling apart. When you don’t know what decisions to make. When your soul is weary. When you go through the darkest of valleys. Jesus is with you, leading you. #dvawareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide… Continue reading

Healing Scents to Help with Acceptance

Real plant oils** have been proven to have natural healing properties, not only for physical ailments but also for our emotions. #dvawareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach As a natural health educator and Wellness Advocate, these natural, pure, safe, and effective essential oils, as well as hands-on protocols with them—locally, are an essential aspect in the healing resources I offer clients. **Not synthetic or adulterated fragrances, even those labeled “essential oil”, but are not true or high quality real natural plant oils with therapeutic benefits. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future… Continue reading

You Have Choices

Life itself is hard—for all. But you have choices. And they will determine how you’re doing 5 years from now. #DVAwareness #freelywhole #DVRecoveryCoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that… Continue reading

Trust Yourself

You can do it! Regain your own trust. #DVAwareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that is Freely Whole–in Jesus!

Wholeness Healing: Music

Wholeness Healing: Music!As you may guess, one of my favorite healing tools! 💖 #dvawareness #freelywhole #dvrecoverycoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that is Freely Whole–in Jesus!

Healthy (No) Contact

“…Staying in exposed contact and hoping for lasting change leads to further emotional and physical damage for the survivor.” #DVAwareness #freelywhole #DVRecoveryCoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that is… Continue reading

Neutral is Not Safe

Neutral is not supportive nor safe. 😢 Please don’t abandon her. #DVAwareness #freelywhole #DVRecoveryCoach Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that is Freely Whole–in Jesus!

God Hears & Rescues

God hears your cries. He does not want you left in abuse and brokenhearted. His desire is to rescue and save. Living Coram Deo & freely wholeSDG!~ Liberty Subscribe to my email list in the sidebar and get notifications of future posts on this website. Join me on Facebook, Like & Follow my Freely Whole public page.To share Soul Care Creativity, join my Freely Whole Creative Community on Facebook,and Follow @FreelyWhole on Instagram and hashtag your creations #freelywholecreative Please consider supporting Freely Whole ministries. Your support helps me to continue to provide Soul Healing content, to empower you and others to live a life that is Freely… Continue reading