The Power of Creativity

People tend to think of Creativity as a hobby—or a job, if you’re super skilled and have great marketing. Something you are skilled at so you do it—or not. Something you love doing and do well—or not. They are thinking in terms of Fine Art. A painter who brings color to life in beautiful landscapes. A sketch artist who draws lifelike portraits. Or a sculptor who mimics Michelangelo. Creativity can lead to that—for a relatively small number of people. But creativity (and art) are so much more. They are for everyone! Creativity is an innate part of everyone of us…. Continue reading

Love Letter 2.0

Sometimes in life, you just need a do-over. Through no fault of your own, things just didn’t turn out “right”. Sometimes we just have to move on from there. Other times we can take a second chance, and when we know better we do better. Sometimes those things have no or low importance in the grand scheme of things. Other times they are of great importance. And that second chance, to make things better, can make a big difference in our lives and the lives of others. This do-over is very low in significance. But it still was a learning… Continue reading

Love Letters

Up today is another page in my Greatest of These is Love journal. This one was inspired from a cardmaking session. I used the same techniques. Same basic theme. Similar colors. But ended up with a totally different look. ‼️😊 The instructor’s card was softer and floral. And my make—😮 I started with blues, instead of her blue-greens, since I already have more than one blue-green page in this journal. So that changed my tone-on-tone stenciling from her leaves to my stars. Of course, I had to adjust her portrait card layout for my long and narrow journal page—and I… Continue reading

Grow in Love

Growing in love is one of our greatest aspirations, as we seek to become more and more like Jesus, and is evidence of His Spirit’s fruit growing in our lives. We are to “in love, grow in every way into him who is the head — Christ.” And, “I pray this: that your love will keep on growing…” Since daisies are one of my two favorite flowers, it seemed fitting to add one to this mixed media spread in my Greatest of These is Love journal. I love everything about this page—from the colors to the techniques to the elements I used…. Continue reading

Love with All Your Heart

I am LOVING working in this Greatest of These is Love Journal! God not only says, but commands us to “Love with all your heart.” And He tells us exactly what/Who we are to love—Him. Our highest calling in our lives is to love Him because He first loved us. And to love others as we love ourselves. A simple command, but not always easy to do. A simple command worthy to be put simply on this spread. This spread has a simple focal point and simple message, on a multi-layered, colorful background with rich depth. The layers began with… Continue reading

Faith Mixed Media Journal

I’ve had a great week creating Faith Mixed Media, after I attended an Online Retreat last weekend. The teachers at The Greatest of These, put on by Creative Worship Stamps, all had great inspiration—from faith mixed media to Bible art journaling to Bible study to greeting cards to faith planning. I decided to do my makes, based on their classes, in one of the new journals I made last month. This 4×4” flex spine, fabric covered journal—that I made for nothing-in-particular—is working out great for this. Once I knew its purpose, I decorated the cover with the Retreat themed printable…. Continue reading

Stash Card Making

Last week I attended a Craft Your Stash Card Making Summit, hosted by Justine Hovey. It was perfect timing, as I needed several more birthday cards soon. This gave me a chance to utilize different techniques than my usuals, and pull out some “forgotten friends”, supplies I’d been neglecting. I shared one of those cards last week. Today I have a few more for you. The technique highlighted on this masculine card is embossing with a stencil, to bring added texture and depth to the background, without using pastes or other messy procedures. The supplies used for this card are… Continue reading

Layer a Day — Dream

Up today, Layer a Day Dex Card #4. I have really enjoyed taking extra time to create this past month. Even though it’s meant I’m having to play catch up with posts. These Layer a Day Faith Dex Cards have been nice quick fill-ins, to balance having to make more than half-a-dozen, time consuming birthday cards. I shared one of the latest yesterday, and will share a few more soon. I attended an online Craft Your Stash Card Making Summit this past week. That came in perfect timing for utilizing some different techniques than my usuals, to get those cards… Continue reading