93 Year Old Therapy

Soul care is a vital part of healing—in all areas of healing. Our souls—mind, emotions, will—must be nurtured for them to be healthy. There are many ways that people, everyone—whether they are abuse survivors or not, nurture their souls. One that I highly endorse for everyone, as well as greatly enjoy myself, is Creativity! Making creative things truly does wonders in our brains, from relaxing the nervous system, to healing trauma, to aiding right thinking and clarity, to increasing brain function and brain power itself. Creativity is my happy place. But I wasn’t expecting treadle sewing itself to be therapeutic…. Continue reading

Creative Play

This past weekend, my kids were all busy elsewhere and I was looking forward to some Creative Play time. I have some projects I’m wanting to work on, but I really just felt like playing. No end envisioned. No completed projects to figure out. No real thinking. Just play! Making it a perfect time to work on backgrounds! It’s been a while since I’ve pulled out my Dylusions acrylic paints. I love them, but my go-to is usually ink pads, rather than paints.So, out came the acrylic paints.Paper towels/ dried out baby wipes, rewetted.Mixed Media cardstock.A few stencils. And the… Continue reading

Psalm 143 Bible Journaling

Do you spend much time in the Psalms? One purpose of God’s Word is for it to be a comfort to us. But we don’t usually turn to Leviticus to find that solace. In times of deep distress, we perhaps can’t even think where to turn. In that turmoil, we may just open the Bible anywhere and hope that God speaks out, but this Bible roulette may have the opposite effect. Or maybe we just freeze, and don’t turn anywhere—abandoning God’s Word, that’s he’s given us to help us. Crying out to God in our trials with our words is… Continue reading

Relaxing with Creativity-Envelope Pockets

Time to celebrate! After I finished making Christmas gifts and January’s birthday cards (posts still to come), I was ready to turn to creative play to relax rather than for need. I’ve been playing with making 3 different types of pockets. These can be used in journals or as stand alone pockets for sharing with others. Being creative doesn’t require being a talented or skilled artist. Making beauty from ashes is for everyone, so Grab your supplies and join me on this journey. The first style, that I’ll share today, was inspired by Linda Israel’s January Challenge. A Paper Sack… Continue reading

Pro 30:8 YHWH Yireh Journaling

YHWH Yireh, My God will Provide! Often, this is the hardest promise of God for many to believe. His failure to provide is many times the greatest fear of DV survivors. It keeps them stuck in the destructive situation, when they need to get out for safety and healing. Others aren’t immune to these fears either. Even for those that this isn’t a fear, it is still to be the prayer of all of us, “Give us this day our daily bread.” In Proverbs 30:8, Agur declared to Ithiel and Ucal his request of God, “Give me neither poverty nor… Continue reading

Luke 4:18 Journaling

Luke 4:18

He has come! For your freedom and wholeness! Join me today for mixed media Bible Journaling of Luke 4:18. Read my Reflections on the verse here. Gather your supplies (listed below), and watch the video for the process. Subscribe to my Freely Whole YouTube Channel, and click to get ALL notifications, to watch my videos there. Copy my design or come up with your own. Get inspiration and develop your own style for mixed media Bible Journaling. We want to see what you do! Join my groups and Share a picture of your page on our Freely Whole Creative Community… Continue reading

Creating Life in 2022

hope journal

What do you want to create more of in your life in 2022? Peace?Hope?Health?Joy?Stability?Giving?Finances?Creativity?Restoration?Hygge? That’s a popular concept right now. I’m sure all of us have set New Year resolutions in the past. Lofty goals that “this year I will do it”, and like all other years, within 2 weeks they were dropped. If resolutions work for you, by all means, set some! In the last several years, it’s become popular to choose a Word for the year, something that would be your focus for the whole year. The problem for me with that is we have no idea what… Continue reading

He Restores My Soul

2021 left my creative studio quite neglected–and I missed it! I’ve always called my studio my “happy place”, even when it was just cardboard storage boxes pulled out to the dining table. My creative space has been my place of decompressing from the stresses of life for most of my life. My mom taught me many of the creative arts I’ve done–and that is pretty much all the home arts there are. I enjoyed creating with her as a child. I enjoyed creating with her watching, as I’d pack up a “portable studio” to take to her house when I… Continue reading