Confused or Abused

Many times women in abusive marriages live in confusion. They know they aren’t being treated loving, kind, or right, but due to manipulation, gaslighting, blame shifting, etc. they are left confused. Covert, hidden abuse is a pattern of behaviors, like the straws on a camel’s back. One instance isn’t always seen as abuse (if it is covert, not physically violent), but repeated patterns show it to be the abuse it is. Part of the abuse cycle, includes times of behavior that are not “mean”, and adds to the confusion. There are several assessments available that she can take to get… Continue reading

Life-Saving Divorce

“Did you know that about half of divorces in the U.S. are for very serious reasons? (A pattern of adultery, physical violence, emotional manipulation and coercion, severe addictions, abandonment or neglect.) No one ever told us this. “Shocking but true: We don’t have a divorce crisis in the U.S. (The divorce rate is almost as low as it was 50 years ago. The high was in the 1980s.) “We have a “marriage-endangering sin crisis.” If every spouse stopped committing adultery, using violence or intimidation to get what they want, and stopped abusing drugs/alcohol, our divorce rate would drop like a… Continue reading

Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

Once again, October is here and it’s time to bring awareness to the tragedy of domestic abuse. It’s a subject that most would prefer to turn away from, to pretend doesn’t exist, or at least not in their circles. But that is far from the truth. It not only is a tragedy, it is way too prevalent in our society, rich as well as poor families, churchgoing families as well as drug dealers and drunks, even homeschool families. Abuse has no demographic. Please take some time this month to learn more about what domestic abuse is, and what it effects… Continue reading

Mourn with Those Who Mourn

Rejoice with me as I celebrate another accomplishment that I never thought I’d have, nor wanted to. Yesterday I graduated and received certification for training in a ministry I never in an million years thought I’d have, nor desired. It just wasn’t on my radar as something I was working toward or wanting to do. I became certified as an abuse survivor advocate. Even when I was offered a place in the course, I argued with God. I know it is a much needed ministry, “but God, it’s not MY ministry”. I obviously ended up enrolling. It was a hard… Continue reading

It’s 2020 time!

Good morning and Welcome to 2020! The second decade of a new century. Seems surreal… But also nostalgic, with the connection to the “roaring 20s” of the 1900s. Today is the day when, universally, people will be making resolutions, setting goals, choosing focus words, …many of those related to weight loss and getting healthy …most of those to be forgotten in the next few weeks…or days. Yet it is an acknowledgment of the newness noted on the calendar. Some of you are thinking of all this and saying, “I just can’t. I can’t add one more “to do” to my… Continue reading

Merry Christmas!

or do you feel more, Ba Humbug. The holidays can be especially hard for survivors regardless of our situations– even for those of us that are on the other side, and creating new, wonderful lives we love.  Perhaps your difficulties are in regards to children, hurting ones unable to escape and gain liberty. Perhaps it is loneliness, the loss of family and friends, when you chose life and liberty. Perhaps it is busyness, just trying to stay ahead of the demands of life–or the bill collectors. Whatever your situation, when you look at the babe in the manger, choose to… Continue reading