Domestic Abuse Awareness – #11

Boundaries are a huge issue in abuse. Some infer that the victim isn’t setting boundaries, and if they’d just set boundaries, the abuser would know he couldn’t cross the line and would stop. This is not true in most cases. Many abusers not only throw temper tantrums in the face of boundaries, but also see boundaries as a dare to violate them, and ramp up abuse when boundaries are set. Boundaries are definitely needed, but not at the cost of your safety.

World Mental Health Day

I interrupt this month’s current series, with a related “awareness day” post. Today is World Mental Health Day, and this year’s focus is suicide prevention. These two “awareness” issues are related. Domestic abuse causes many mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, C-PTSD, etc, and suicidal thoughts for some. Emotional abuse is a destroyer of the soul. But there is hope and help for mental health, regardless of its cause. Healing for the brokenhearted is Jesus’ heart.

Domestic Abuse Awareness – #9

Statistics put out by the CDC, say 1 in 4 women have experienced domestic violence in their lifetime. One in four is a lot of women. And domestic violence doesn’t know race, religion, financial status or educational choices. It’s pretty universally spread across the board, in the human race. I know homeschooling families are affected as well. It’s just rarely talked about. Jen Grice Click to read the rest of the article

Domestic Abuse Awareness — #6

This whole month I will continue this series, (Lord willing, daily,) in bringing about awareness for domestic abuse, particularly in “Christian” circles. Quotes, articles/videos, and thoughts will be shared. Domestic Abuse covers a lot of ground. What I share is mainly in the context of marital abuse–emotional/psychological, financial, sexual, adultery, and abandonment, not just physical beatings. There are many important topics in the domestic abuse realm that I probably won’t cover. Others have that charge. Topics I share on range from living in the destruction, to getting out, to post-divorce abuse, to healing, to support or lack of it for… Continue reading

Domestic Abuse Awareness — #5

Last night Jamie Ivey spoke at the Caring Well: Equipping the Church to Confront the Abuse Crises Conference. She gave great advice for friends of those who have been/ are in abuse. (Conference continues today, free simulcast.) Jamie Ivey — Walking with the Broken Come alongside survivors. Be the friend that sticks with them.  Share your presence for the long haul. Go to war on their behalf. Not “I’ll add you to my prayer list,” but be there for them as long as they need you. Be consistently there to just be with them, before offering any answers. Mourn with… Continue reading