Goodbye 2020

I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to see 2020 end. And am overly optimistic to think the changing of the calendar will end all the issues 2020 brought. 🙂 Year end writings tend to be reflective, and this will be just that. Those that follow my ministry know that I’m a mix of musings along with practical tips and info. I find both are necessary in ministry and mentoring. And, at heart, I’m a storyteller. If you’ve followed my ministry of Me & My House over the decades, (since even before there was internet,) you know that much… Continue reading

Enough is Enough

“If the cost of saving a marriage is destroying a woman, the cost is too high. God loves people more than he loves institutions.” ~ Gary Thomas “Every divorce is the result of sin, but not every divorce is sinful.” ~ Kevin DeYoung  “Another woman told me about putting up with her husband’s appalling behavior for over forty years. I was invited to look in her face, see the struggle, see the heroic perseverance, but also be reminded that counsel has consequences.“ “Jesus said what he said about divorce to protect women, not to imprison them.” Liberty ~ freely whole

Coercive Control

Domestic violence expert, Julie Owens: “Most DV is not just getting hit or physically injured. In fact, the majority of abuse tactics (including many that equate to torture) aren’t even against the law. Partner abuse is much, much more than the cruel things an abuser DOES TO his partner. It is also things he TAKES FROM her – her autonomy, her freedom to come and go as she pleases, her peace of mind, her friends, her personal space, her privacy, her dignity, her financial independence, her sense of self, and so much more. Many victims live under constant siege; like… Continue reading


Proclamation on National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 2020  Issued on: October 1, 2020 All Americans deserve a life free from the threat of physical and psychological harm.  Tragically, far too many Americans are deprived of this right by perpetrators of domestic violence.  During National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we offer our support to the victims and survivors of this unacceptable atrocity and reaffirm our commitment to bringing justice to their abusers and offering hope to those who currently reside in volatile and unsafe living conditions. Domestic violence is an evil that threatens the social fabric of our Nation.  It is a… Continue reading

Confused or Abused

Many times women in abusive marriages live in confusion. They know they aren’t being treated loving, kind, or right, but due to manipulation, gaslighting, blame shifting, etc. they are left confused. Covert, hidden abuse is a pattern of behaviors, like the straws on a camel’s back. One instance isn’t always seen as abuse (if it is covert, not physically violent), but repeated patterns show it to be the abuse it is. Part of the abuse cycle, includes times of behavior that are not “mean”, and adds to the confusion. There are several assessments available that she can take to get… Continue reading