I’ve decided to start sharing my daily passage from God’s Word here (as well as on social media,) in addition to my regular posts here. Even though I don’t always share any commentary or thoughts with them. Even though I may not do it everyday. I hope you find them an encouragement!–and the other freelywhole.com posts too. And I hope that you’ll subscribe (in the sidebar) on freelywhole.com
Why posting these here also? And what you can do to help–you and me.

- 1) Too many friends have lost their social media accounts, due to hacking or lock-outs. Many of them unable to get them back (including me in the past), but even for those that do it is a long, time consuming, red tape process–and it still may not restore the account. I don’t like or want that risk. By subscribing here, we stay connected regardless of social media whims. I do like and want that!
- 2) Most likely you don’t see the Daily Word, or many of my other posts on social media–due to algorithms. By subscribing here, you’ll be able to see all that you want to.
- 3) Comments work here–and I can keep them private when you prefer. And I’m adding other avenues here to serve us with greater conversation opportunities. By subscribing here, you are seen and are part of a caring community–not just an unseen soundbite amongst millions.
I want to keep connected with you! Please subscribe.
P.S. I’m not leaving social media. I will continue to post and read there, in the sea of millions.
But much more I will be here, in a private, secure place for community–with a public presence for freely whole.
Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty
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