Abigail had a rich husband who was a fool. “she was a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance; but the man was harsh and evil in his doings.” When David came in peace, after having protected (the husband) Nabal’s property and servants, asking for he/David and his men to join them for the Feast day, selfish greedy Nabal mocked and reviled, and refused to share with hospitality to David and his men.
One of Nabal’s servants revealed to Abigail what was going on, that had then incited David to destroy Nabal and his household, adding, Who can talk to Nabal? “For he is such a scoundrel that one cannot speak to him.”
Does Abigail’s story sound familiar to some of you? Have you lived with a Nabal? A man who is foolish, selfish, refuses to do good to others, refuses to listen to others, a mocker and reviver, a fool, harsh, evil, a scoundrel? The Bible spares no adjectives for him.
What was Abigail’s response? Did she “honor” and “respect” her husband? Did she “submit” and go along with his decision? Did she go to him and plead with or “appeal” to him to change his mind, then leave it to him to do what he wanted? Did she deny or try to hide his evil and foolishness?
No! Abigail took matters into her own hands. She chose to do what was right, and did not tell her husband. Rather, she sent the servants, laden with food for David and his men. She pleaded with and appealed to David, and spoke truth to him about her husband, that he was a scoundrel and a fool.
David listened to Abigail, heeded her plea, and his response to Abigail was, “blessed is your advice and blessed are you.” He thanked the Lord for using Abigail to restrain his own hand from vengeance.
And what about Nabal? Abigail got home to find him reveling in lavish feasting, and drunk. When he sobered up, Abigail told him what had happened. He had a heart attack and died. Further, David asked Abigail to marry him, and she chose to.
Now, this is a story, a narrative in scripture, not teaching doctrine, not “normative“ as in this is how it played out for Abigail so we need to do things the same way. But, it is in Scripture, and it is in there for us to learn from.

Who do you walk with? Is your time spent with people who are wise and are leading you to wisdom? Or with foolish people taking you with them to destruction?
Living Coram Deo
~ Liberty
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