Independence Day!

Freedom! A treasure I am very grateful for. Independence Day is a holiday I value highly. It means much to me. A day to celebrate Freedom. The release from bondage. Standing up against tyranny.

I celebrate the freedoms that have been fought for over and over by our country, the greatest, freest country in the world, that everyone clamors to get into; yet, so many are fighting hard to destroy it and its freedoms, even from within. I honor those in militia and military that have served and given their lives, for a season or literally, to purchase our freedoms, and freedoms for many all over our globe, with their blood.

I celebrate personal freedoms. Freedom to live, to learn, to be all my Maker created me to be, following and clinging to my Savior, the Lover and Redeemer of my Life, my Soul, my All. Living out my purpose and passions.

But above all I celebrate TRUE Freedom! Spiritual freedom that only comes from One Source, in one way–from The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Source Himself, Jesus the Christ. 

The problems and sins of the world will be with us as long as this world exists. There will always be evil and injustice in this world. There will always be bondage and tyranny. We can’t escape the physical side of those. They affect us, and this groaning earth, every day. But the day will come when the Maker and Judge, Who sits on His righteous throne, will pronounce and righteously sentence evil, injustice, bondage and tyranny. And they will be no more.

But now, even now, we can be spiritually free of the sin within, that besets every soul born. We can live free on the inside, with a new heart from the One who made us and can make us new–here on earth, and in eternal True Freedom, on the other side of death. An unending life of Joy, Peace, Love! Life with our Loving Father God. Life bought by the sacrificial, atoning death of our Firstborn Brother, Jesus. Because he who the Son sets free is free indeed! 

Living Coram Deo,

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About Liberty

Creating beauty from ashes! Life Restoration Coach & Creativity “therapy”. Soul care for Christian women post-marital abuse and divorce. Life! Liberty! Pursuit of Happiness!

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